Atmospheric horror Bramble: The Mountain King received Russian voice acting
The atmospheric horror Bramble: The Mountain King, published on April 27, 2023, will now be possible to pass with complete English localization. The Mechanics Voiceover team worked on the English voice acting for the game, whose shoulders are dozens of different projects.
Lovers of crypt fairy tales, combine your gamepads and keyboards, because we have the release of the English voice acting Bramble the Mountain King!
how voice acting can weigh 32 megabytes? There are two dialogs for the whole game?
Class, just installed but did not pass.
I can’t understand how to include voice acting in the Steam version. It works for everyone?
Who put on a pirate which path for installation?Not put in the root folder of the game.
If you can’t cope with the installation, there are already distributions with the ruso voice.
Can you tell me the way for installation?In the root folder with the game, it is not possible to install
You will succeed if the version of the game is 11395309 Steam, but even if you have a pirate of the same version – the voice acting will not be installed, since the executable file in the pirate version of the game Bramble_TMK.Exe from Epic Games, and for the Epic Games version there is no voice acting installer yet.
Not working voice acting
And there is a version for Game pass ?
At first it. Then departure.
I thought that I was watching an example of voice acting, and then a bonus is the passage of the game.
Some kind of garbage. Better gathered and washed down for RDR2
Well, then don’t do the fucking! Take it, and collect 10 millionaires, and finance the voice acting RDR2. All prices have long been known. They will take up the voice acting at least tomorrow. Just prepare the money.
As if all these voice acts do not come out by themselves. Someone always finances them. There is no funding for the voice acting of a particular game, which means there is no voice acting.
For the voice acting RDR 2, more than one group will not be taken, even at least 50 million give now. To voice RDR 2 and GTA 5 these two games cannot be. and for the audio -fibers inside the game, it is not written there who and which character voiced and whom. There are no names. So it is unrealistic, to find out not as even more so to voice. Not for any money.
All the head will be transferred! And with normal projects they pull the meat!
Yes, it’s easier for them to tell us 10 Lyamov and 4 years and everything will be (hello Starfield) what to do at least with a miserable voice acting with a robot and online translators
Probably the more voiced text, characters and votes, the more work and, accordingly, more time is required for this, not?
A good platformer, not all in shooters and RPG play, and to voice there five pages of the text from strength, a sunbathing voice only at the beginning of each Loki.
And what is this project to you abnormal? There is something to say reasonably? Or absolutely everything for you, with the exception of top AAA Games? Well, top games, as it were, have a thousand times more text. And the voice acting also needs to be financed. No voice acts are made by themselves. Someone always finances them. Sometimes the people are developing, and sometimes individual private investors just finance voice acting. If you are ready to finance, at least tomorrow they will voice everything you want. If you want a voice acting RDR2? Millionnaires 10 Create. Everything will be at once!
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